Thursday, December 13, 2007

Hi Folks!

I’m just getting started at the new pool site and I’m trying to absorb all of the activity going on. I’ve had a few opportunities to go onsite and see the progress of the construction. Wow talk about a beehive of activity! Right now one of the focuses (foci?) is on getting the building envelope completed so that we can keep the weather out and keep building our pool!

So on the exterior we have the building panels up on the James street side and going up on the ball field side of the building(photo above).
We have the glass framework being installed at the pool entrance to prepare for the windows (photo right).

Up on top, the roofers are working on the roof to keep everyone dry. On the inside of the pool the brick layers are laying out the rooms on the main floor(photo right).

The construction crew has cemented in the pool skimmers on the competition pool and are filling in this area with sand in preparation for the deck to be poured (photo below).

As each day passes it is getting harder and harder to see what’s going on, and that’s where I come in. I’ll be your eyes and ears and give you a peek at what’s happening through this Blog. I’ll be taking lots of pictures and I’ll share these with you to give you a regular snap shot of what’s happening.

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