Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Jan 23/08 - Swirl Pool

Good Afternoon!
Wow, does the sun ever feel good today. Well, that's a good excuse to go outside and soak up some rays and check on progress at the new facility.

And, that's just what I did! I think everyone is working here today, there are tradesmen everywhere in the facility, some up high working on steel walls and waterlines, some at floor level working on plumbing and forms, and more outside working on windows.

I have been watching the progress on the Swirl Pool and I thought that this would be a good theme for today. The First photo was taken on Jan 14 when work started on building up with insulation to provide a base for the plumbing. Here you can see the main drains piped in and the blocks building up around them.

In the next photo, taken Jan 17, you will notice that the blocks have all been installed and the reinforcing bar is being put in for the concrete. There is still some plumbing to do first though.

In this last photo taken today you can see that there is more plumbing and reinforcing as they prepare for the concrete. You'll also notice the expansion joint being placed around the perimeter. We're almost ready for the concrete. Which we hope to do later this week.

Until next time, enjoy the sunshine while it's here.
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