Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thursday afternoon update

Good Afternoon everyone,

We're breaking new ground here on the construction front. A lot of firsts this week.
First drywall is going up in the upper floor in the activity rooms, offices, washrooms and staff area. Wow, does it ever look different when the drywall goes up and clearly defines the rooms.

First tiling is going on in the change rooms. The photo below shows the tile work in the female change room shower area. The family and male changeroom showers are also underway. The floor drains are mostly in and the tiling crew have been grinding everwhere in preparation for the tiling.

First walls going up in the maintenance area. The next photo below shows some of the block work on the sauna and steam rooms. In behind this wall are the electrical room, nuts & bolts office(photo next time!), and general filling in of the mezzanine floor of the maintenance area.

In this photo you can see the workers filling in the deck area on the north side of the wave pool. You can also see Scott contemplating where the next block is going (on top of the last one Scott!). Scott is just one of many of the construction crew that are making this project a reality. Good work guys.

Until the next time, have a good one.
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