Thursday, March 6, 2008

Slide Tower

Good afternoon folks,

It's time for another update. There is so much going on that I am focusing on just one area today. As you can see from the photos, I've chosen to highlight the slide tower. These photos are from this week. The progress from the first to the last photo is from Monday to today at lunch time.

The photo above shows the siding going up on the tower and the black slide supports are starting to be installed to the left.

The next photo above shows the supports more clearly. If you look to the top left of the red panels you can see where both slides will start. Looking at the 'Utah Blue' siding you can see the two square holes. These are where the smaller slide goes into the building on the top one and comes back out on the lower one. The larger slide will do all of its' twists and turns outside of the building before entering at the bottom holes at the centre bottom of the photo, again you can see the smaller hole for the smaller slide and the larger hole for the larger slide.

This photo shows the siding almost finished on these two faces and the slide supports finished on the left side.

This last photo is what it looks like from inside at this point in time. The slide supports are being installed to support the small slide as it comes in and then out through the opening. What you don't see is that the railings for the stairs up into the slide tower also arrived today and are being prepared to be installed also. More on that later....
Have a good one.
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